Statement of Capital Required and Capital Accounts
Minimum Capital Required
Total Assets per Balance Sheet, Net of Valuation Reserves
Cash on Hand and in Banks
Evidences of Indebtedness and any other evidences of indebtedness or obligations, the servicing and repayment of which are fully guaranteed by the Republic of the Philippines - Cost
NBQB premises, Net of Depreciation
Furniture, fixtures and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation
Loans to the extent covered by hold-out on or assignment of deposit substitute maintained in the lending NBQB
Loans or acceptance under domestic letters of credit to the extent covered by margin deposits
Special time deposit loans to the extent covered by Industrial Guarantee and Loan Fund IGLF guarantee
Amounts due from foreign banks representing normal working balances in currencies eligible as part of the international reserve and not maintained in the form of savings, time or fixed deposits, but nit to exceed 30% of outstanding regular sight letter of credit
Real state mortgage loans and related financing insured by Home Financing Commission to the extent of the amount of the insurance or the outstanding loans, whichever is lower
Loans to the extent secured by Central Bank Certificates of Indebtedness and other assets listed
Deferred Income Tax
Other items which the Monetary Board may declare as non-risk assets and authorized to be deducted from Total Assets
Lease Contracts receivables to the extent of GD
Total Deductions
Net Assets
Minimum Capital Required
Combined Capital Accounts or Net Worth
Capital Stock or net of Treasury Stock
Additional paid-in Capital
Additional Deposit on Common Stock Subscription
Retained Earnings
Additional Appraisal Increment
Retained Earnings
Net Unrealized Gains Losses Profit and Loss Summary
Combined Capital Account to be deducted only pursuant
Unbooked valuation reserves and other capital adjustments as may be required by the BSP
Equity investments with reciprocal stockholdings to be deducted
Deferred Income TaxUnsecured Loans to DOSRI
Less Provision for probable losses, already deducted in this report
Adjusted Capital Accounts
Excess Deficiency